Collective Emotions

Sunday, February 9th, 2020. 
The Miami Marathon 

Collective Emotions, a black and white collection featuring some of the participants of the Miami Half and Full Marathon toward the end of their race. I chose to feature all images in black and white because no matter what your running background is, once you choose to cross the starting line, its fair game to experience a surplus of emotions. Hence everyone running the race will collectively feel the same emotion at some point during their journey.


Here’s a few to begin, joy, determination, frustration, tiredness, pride, worry, anticipation, camaraderie, a sense of struggle, a sense of accomplishment, excitement, and the list goes on. You never know what you’ll get and each run/race is different. Who knows you may even experience both laughter and tears.


A moment running is a raw moment with yourself, where it’s simply you. Every part of your being is participating in this moment. Your efforts, months or days of training, your beliefs, your dreams, your mistakes, your thoughts, your breaths, your body, all are present with you.


Someone once told me, "You will never get this run again, so take it all in." The scenery, the crowd, the rhythm of your feet hitting the ground, your breaths - in and out, the wind on your skin, the birds chirping, the people you pass - all these variables make up a moment that cannot be duplicated. These are moments you run, you will never get back. Enjoy it.

Open heart, strong mind.

Love, Rita
